Year of the Bug

Bye bye Year of the Bug
Time to put you in a jug
Pick your favourite mug 
Situation normal 
All fucked up 

Bye bye Year of the bug
This was not my cup of coffee
I‘m a teapot I have tea
In the tea tent by the binary tree 

I‘m a T T Teapot and I’m proud
T T Tip me over pour me out 
I‘m a T T Teapot and I’m proud
T T Tip me over Count me out


This track is the result of building a community track at the rC3 (Remote Chaos Experience), the 2020 edition of the Chaos Computer Club congress. 
We conducted some polls before on Twitter and Mastodon beforehand which we used as the base for lyrics and composition. We started arranging and asking for instrumental and vocal submissions on the first of 4 congress days. 
We ended up with amazing contributions and thus could manage to come up with this at the end of day 4! 
Thanks to the Chaos Communication Choir and the Chaos Communication Orchestra, to everyone we know and everyone who preferred to stay anonymous! 
This is an amazing community. 

Close Encounters @ #rC3 fun facts: 

Inputs used in our track from our polls on Twitter and Mastodon: 
- musical motif of Macintosh system crash from 1995
- joined Jitsi sound 
- quasi Dungeon Synth intro/Happy Hardcore beat
- Melody 1 as bassline base from 1rst poll
- I’m a Teapot as title and Year of the Bug as first line

1 Accordion
1 Cello
1 Melodica 
1 Clarinet
1 Cornet
1 Saxophone

4 Sopranos 
3 Alto 
5 Tenors
4 Basses
1 mysterious Fx Sound folder
2 freaky Voices 

There will be additional Dance and A Capella mixes available very soon! 

 #creativecommons #ccchoir #followtheteapot #imateapot #rc3

I'm a Teapot - Interpretation and References



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© Thies Mynther 2020